Booking Guide for hair
The length of your hair determines both the length of your appointment and pricing.
Before booking your appointment, please carefully consider the length of your hair. This is a critical step to online booking as it will eliminate surprises in our schedule and at the register. :)
:: Women's Hair Length Chart

:: Men's Hair Length Chart

Short (Up to 2 inches)
: Buzzcut, crew cut, Caesar cut, textured crop, taper fade
Long (Anything below the chin)
: Man bun, braids, slicked-back, waves
Medium (2 to 4 inches)
: Mullet, bedhead, undercut, combover, pompadour
If the length of your root regrowth exceeds approximately 2 inches - Please book one of our full colour services (White/ Bleach Out, One colour, Pastel, Natural Lighten/ Darken).
Please contact the shop to find a consultation time as colour corrections vary drastically in terms of the amount of time that is needed in order to correct the colour.
Toner is a sweet little product that neutralizes brassy yellow and orange tones on bleached hair. It can also make your hair look shiner and healthier, cooler, dingier, ashier, or even different colors like pink or purple.
Cancellation Policy
Please respect our time. We run a very tight schedule and require 48 hours notice if you are unable to make your scheduled time slot. For any last minute cancellations or "no shows", NJ'S Organic Hair Salon reserves the right to charge 50% of the total price of the service booked, for the time that has been reserved. If it is an emergency situation, this policy does not apply.
If you are late for your appointment, we reserve the right to push your appointment to the next available slot.
This policy includes a "no show" of scheduled appointment. If three appointments are consecutively cancelled /rescheduled (within 48 hr notice)/no showed, NJs has the right to decline pre-booked appointments from said client and will only be able to get a service at NJs by a walk-in appointment alone, as well as declined from our online booking system.
We have a 7 day guarantee on the satisfaction of your hair. If for whatever reason you are dissatisfied, we will happily "redo" or adjust the hairstyle or color to bring it to your satisfaction. The service must be of equal or lesser value and is at the salon's discretion based on original consult. Redo service must be scheduled within the 7 day time limit.
*All charges / cancellation policies are subject to circumstance as well as Employee's or Salon Managements discretion*
You will receive a confirmation call, if we do not receive a voice confirmation within the 48hr before app your app will be cancelled.
Hair Length / Prices
Please note that colour and cutting prices are starting points and price may be lower or higher based on length and thickness of hair and we may charge a extra fee for color based on stylist’s level. If you book the wrong length type, please note that the stylist will change your appointment cost at the end of service during check out.